Complementary feed WINNER PLUS
Winner Plus complementary feeds, thanks to the correct balance of micro and macro elements
all completely of natural origin, represent the correct choice to satisfy your dog’s needs.
The wide set of products allows you to choose, always with the help of your veterinary physician,
the most suitable nutritional supplement for your dog’s necessities.
WINNER PLUS Complementary feeds
Complementary feed 100% natural conceived to improve dog’s physical state and aestethic reinstating the body with substances useful for well-being and vitality.
WINNER PLUS Pro-Turbo Professional Energy Bar
Stomach Wellbeing
Complementary feed, 100% natural, suitable for dogs and cats of all breeds and ages. Reduces diarrhea and improves fecal consistency. Over-acidification of the stomach, counteracts excess acid.
Arthro-Elastina powder
Arthro-Elastina tablets
Product indicated for the development and strengthening of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints with an even more effective action thanks to a high concentration of active ingredient.
Osteo Tabs
A total naturally product with selected herbs. It contributes to proper growth and to a positive development of the skeletal system as well as tendons, ligaments and joints.
Carrot tablets with biotin
Algomar Seaweed tablets
Seaweed Tabs made from fresh seaweed is a high quality natural product which promotes the optimal stimulation of the pigmentation of coat, nose and paw pads. Cellulose and mannitol actively support the digestion and food assimilation.
Strong Biotin Tablets
The permanent use supports a healthy shiny coat and cares for a sufficient skin hydration, whereby in particular the hair loss during the change of coat is positively influenced.
WINNER PLUS Granular garlic
Garlic Granules is a dietary supplement, which has an active antibacterial effect and positively affects the gastrointestinal tract.
WINNER PLUS Brewer’s yeast Tablets
WINNER PLUS Cicerello red oil
Cicerello red oil (Gymnammodytes cicerelus) is a natural feed supplement with high supply of carotene that together with the animal’s daily feeding gives softness and brightness to mantle and elesticity to the dog’s skin helping also the mantle pigmentation effects.
Top Fit is a multivitamin emulsion with fast absorption for dogs, cats and animals with stress-related hair problems. It provides fullness and vitality thanks to the wellbalanced vitamins complexes (B, C, A, D, E, K group) and promotes high digestibility.
WINNER PLUS BARF Oil is a natural hemp oil being obtained at low temperatures followed by mechanical filtration. Hemp oil supplies vital (essential) fatty acids for the whole metabolism and for a healthy skin.
Cocos Oil
WINNER PLUS Cocos Oil is a pure natural product and contains plenty of medium-chain fatty acids, such as lauric, caprylic and capric acid, which are converted directly into energy. It has a positive effect on the metabolism.
Moor Extract
Natural complementary feed made with herbs, fruits and seaweed, ideal for dogs of all breeds and age, specific to intensify the color black areas of the dog’s coat and mucosa.