Cicerello red oil
Cicerello red oil (Gymnammodytes cicerelus) is a natural feed supplement with high supply of carotene that together with the animal’s daily feeding gives softness and brightness to mantle and elesticity to the dog’s skin helping also the mantle pigmentation effects.

it guarantees energy, gives soft and shiny hair, stimulates red pigmentation
Cicerello red oil (Gymnammodytes cicerelus) is a natural feed supplement with high supply of carotene that together with the animal’s daily feeding gives softness and brightness to mantle and elesticity to the dog’s skin helping also the mantle pigmentation effects. Also the high concentration of fats guarantees a correct energetic contribution.
A healthy food
Since free from raw proteins and vitamins A,D and E (present in a non influential quantity), cicerello oil is an integral part of a correct and healthy feeding.
A rich source of Omega 3 and Omega 6
The polyunsaturated fats develop a positive reaction against cutaneous problems, specially allergies and in case of joints pains. It represents also a treatment against itches and chronic and allergic irritations.
The highest quality respecting the enviroment:
the fishing of the cicerello and the oil extraction are made with fully respect of the European union normative and only during the first 6-8 weeks of spring,when the fish has the highest concentration of eggs.
Cicerello red oil.
tocopherol extracts of natural origin; 6-Palmitoil-L-ascorbic acid.
Availables formats:
1000 ml
Small dogs and cats: 5 ml
Medium sized dogs: 10 ml
Large dogs: 20 ml